
Joshua George Photography

A glimpse into my view



FMP photos

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These are my final images I decided to do these as I wanted a series of images that could express what a person was thinking / communicating but at the same time was hidden within a subject or theme. I did this by  looking into speech problems, mental health and autism and seeing how they are treated and how people communicate with each other with these problems using sensory cards, hand gestures , and visual aids.  When making these I decided to turn them into poker cards as I thought this would be another way people can interact and connect with the message. I am also planning to turn them into my own form of sensory fan but I am not sure at the moment how it is going to work due to sensory fans usually being round not square.

In the Studio trying out stuff

Here are my original images from a shoot I have done in the studio using light drawing and gel lights to form images of a communicative nature.

Below are the images I have formed using a gel light and a touch by  drawings around my model. I think this images look very creative due to the way I have formed the light around her body and by the way I have positioned her but I do think I can improve by drawing the light more sturdily and by having more of a theme to the images as I feel not all of the images connect with each other.

I have also decided to do some simplistic, dramatic images of sea objects to saw a different view of ideas for me to form my work into. e.g a simple shape sounded with black conferring a message to the viewer.

I think I could have improved these by maybe having more of a selection of objects and by using more simple objects to tell a story e.g having a set of dolls or watches that all connect to tell a story as this didn’t really connect due to the lack of objects.

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