Here are my original images from a shoot I have done in the studio using light drawing and gel lights to form images of a communicative nature.

Below are the images I have formed using a gel light and a touch by  drawings around my model. I think this images look very creative due to the way I have formed the light around her body and by the way I have positioned her but I do think I can improve by drawing the light more sturdily and by having more of a theme to the images as I feel not all of the images connect with each other.

I have also decided to do some simplistic, dramatic images of sea objects to saw a different view of ideas for me to form my work into. e.g a simple shape sounded with black conferring a message to the viewer.

I think I could have improved these by maybe having more of a selection of objects and by using more simple objects to tell a story e.g having a set of dolls or watches that all connect to tell a story as this didn’t really connect due to the lack of objects.